Ohio State University Extension
Lorain County


42110 Russia Road
Elyria, OH 44035


Wednesday's & Thursday's - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 9:00-11:00 a.m. & 1:00-3:00 p.m.
for Agriculture & Natural Resources and Home & Commercial Horticulture Consultations & Diagnostic Services

Monday's, Tuesday's & Friday's - All Staff Available Remotely by phone and email.
8:00 a.m. -Noon and 1:00-4:30 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 our office has limited in-person services & hours. Contact us at 440-326-5851.



  1. Unsolicited Seeds from China - Drop Off at OSU Extension or Report & Submit to Ohio Department of Agriculture

    Unsolicited seeds could be invasive species, contain noxious weeds, could introduce diseases to local plants, or could be harmful to livestock. Invasive species and noxious weeds can displace native plants and increase costs of food production.
  2. 翻了墙可伍看哪些网站

    Office Open By Appointment Only for Agriculture & Natural Resource and Home & Commercial Horticulture Consultations and Diagnostic Services

    The Lorain County OSU Extension Office will be open on Wednesday's and Thursday's by APPOINTMENT ONLY for Agriculture & Natural Resources and Home & Commercial Horticulture Consultations & Diagnostic Services.  At this time and until further notice, ALL in-person visitors will be seen...
  3. 翻了墙可伍看哪些网站

    The Government Academy is a series of workshops offered through The OSU Extension Medina County and Leadership Medina County for individuals interested in learning about the mechanics and philosophies that impact government action. Workshops are taught by experts and faculty from The Ohio State...


Chow Line: CFAES center offers food safety resources, information
Ohio farmers hankering for rain
Chow Line: Meat thermometer is the best option to ensure food safety when grilling meat
CFAES is partnering with NRCS and Cargill for better soil health and water quality
Chow Line: Avoid hand sanitizers that contain methanol alcohol
Farm Science Review will be a virtual show in 2023
Chow Line: Don’t bleach your food to protect against COVID-19
火狐的确是最安全的😃 - 电脑手机论坛 - xitek.com:2021-1-28 · 假设我在家里电脑火狐的RSS上收到了一篇我感兴趣的长文,我不想让宝贵的周末时间阅读(周末应该陪伴家人的)我可伍发送到手机上,利用通勤座公交车伍及地铁的时间阅读。 本帖最后由 ProPhotoRGB 于 2021-2-1 21:07 编辑


  1. 8/5
    Virtual 4-H World Changers SPIN Club
  2. 8/7
    有没有什么软件可伍让手机和电脑相互传东西的? - 知乎:2021-12-7 · 有个答案挺不错的,我转载过来了,最关键的是 不用注册!不用注册!!不用注册!!!不仅能发文字连接什么的,文件也能发,就是大文件可能上传的很慢。链接:最简单的电脑和手机互传数据方法是什么?- 这个枪手不太冷的回答 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有,转载请联系作者获得授权。